Saturday 29 October 2011

Hey there folks

I just now finished at my 2nd farm and let me tell you, I learned a lot. For the entire month of OCtober I was in Matapouri working on  a small family farm. Klaus, a permaculture professor, is a German bloke who before coming to NZ he lived in Bolivia with his family for three years. Vanessa, the wife, is a homeopath and quite the cheese maker. Frida, the daugher, is a typical highschool girl who just recently  acquired her first boyfriend. He came over for dinner a few times and I was harsh on him on Klaus's hehalf. Klaus has an extensive garden, raises goats for milk, gorws banana and other fruits in a forest garden system. He has also set up a duckponics system, which in short is a duck pond on top of a hill that is drained periodically to fertilize the downhill crops.  I have been chewing a lot of cane remiding me of the pearl river, eatings lots of unpasturized milk products, innoculating lots of mushroom spores, and eating lots of cherimoya, afruit described by Mark Twain as "puerly delicious".Can't say I have not missed home. Klaus asked me to stay a little longer, but I really have been needing to shake the wonder dust off my boots. Next stop Wellington to see Kelly Ockwell, and then to an Organic pig farm!
Over and out


  1. Luke - watch out for the little enzimes in the unpasturized stuff. Your fingernails might turn purple. Hope that you are having fun. Keep us posted. Biff +

  2. Hi Luke. Hope that your learning tons about how to grow the good stuff. We miss you too. Uncle dick.

  3. Awesome dude. I've never heard to cherimoya so i'll have to check it out. Sounds like a cool family. Have you picked up a kiwi accent yet? Is the scenery like Lord of the Rings?

    I'm on vacation from work in Mexico City and in Guadalajara. Tomorrow starts Day of the Dead celebration. All the best cuz!

