Saturday 24 September 2011

Made it with no delays or inconveniences!

I have been quite busy since I arrived in New Zealand. I arrived in Auckland at 6 am on the 19th, there I spent the day just putzing around the city. I attempted to drop my pack off at the international hostel for the afternoon, but apparently they don't do that kind of thing. So for the whole day I carried my pack up and down the streets of Auckland, to the Auckland Domain, to the Maori museum, to the harbor,to the University, and everywhere else in between. Let me tell you Auckland ain't no Mayberry,it's darn right expansive. After all of my adventuring I posted up in a coffee shop, where I people watched and watched the History of Funk.Thanks for that one Moma. When 5:30 rolled around I met Greg,my first WWOOFing host, at the international hostel. Greg works at the Kiwi equivalent of Dunder Mifflin. Exciting, right? Jenny, Greg's wife, runs the farm, and is who I have been doing most work with. After making it to the farm we ate mussels and then I hit the sack. Quite a long day. More to come soon. Keep smiling!